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How I Learned to Confidently Rock a Swimsuit

"We dream in colors borrowed from the sea."

January 6, 2020

Swimsuit season is getting closer and closer, and I'm sure plenty of you aren't too thrilled.

I used the feel the same way. The mere thought of wearing a bathing suit was enough to send me into cardiac arrest. Heck, I didn't even own a swimsuit for a large portion of my life. It's funny to think about how much emotional turmoil something as small as an article of clothing can cause.

Bathing suits don't scare me at all now. In fact, I welcome wearing them. It did take a bit of effort on my part, though, to finally feel confident rocking one.

If you need advice on feeling empowered in a one-piece, two-piece or even a tankini, scroll below to see what worked for me.

I Always Wear a Swimsuit That's Comfortable

This goes for everything you wear, but you should always feel comfortable in the bathing suit of your choice. If you try it on and you don't absolutely love how any aspect of it works, no matter how minor, do not buy it. Wearing something that ends up irritating you will only diminish your confidence. If you don't like bikinis, don't wear one. Try a full-piece or a tankini. It's all about what you feel best in.

I only own one bikini. Honestly, it took a long time for me to even purchase that one. But it's incredibly flattering and I feel totally at home sporting it everywhere.

I Don't Compare Myself to Others

This is tough, but comparing myself to others is in no way fair to me. I am my own unique person, so I shouldn't be upset that I don't have a body like Gigi Hadid. Don't get me wrong, I have a difficult time stopping myself from doing this on the regular. It's so easy for me to get down on myself when I see this girls in their perfect bodies at the beach or on Instagram. But then I remember that they work hard for those toned abs, whereas my workout is sitting on the couch watching Netflix for hours on end. I'm not going to have their body with my exercise regime (or lack thereof), so why do I think I should?

Whenever I do feel those negative thoughts seeping in, I recite, "Don't compare, it's not fair" to myself until those bad vibes evaporate. Trust me, it totally works.

I Act as My Own Hype Man

Before I step out in my swimsuit, I also make sure to give myself a little pep talk in the mirror. I basically just give myself a ton of compliments until I feel myself really starting to believe it. I even recite those mantras when I strut my stuff down the boardwalk for added effect.

At first, I felt real weird standing in front of a mirror and praising my reflection. I totally felt like a narcissist. Then I remember there's nothing wrong with loving myself, flaws included. It's something we all really need to embrace more.

I Don't Worry About What Others Think

Caring about how others perceive you, especially when you're in a swimsuit, never ends well. I used to be so caught up in what others were thinking about me while I was sporting a bathing suit that I stopped wearing them for a large portion of my life. I literally believed everyone thought I looked like some sort of beached whale, so I avoided wearing swimsuits and going to the beach altogether. I wouldn't even wear a bathing suit at pool parties with my closest friends. Yeah, it was that bad. Slowly but surely, I learned that no one thought I looked fat in my bikini. I was the only one who felt that way, but I was so consumed in what I figured everyone else was thinking about me that I let it affect my own opinions of my body. Now I don't even care what others think. At the end of the day, I know people are going to judge how I look. I just don't let that bother me anymore. It's not an easy skill to learn, but with time you will be able to do the same.

I Remind Myself That Every Girl Feels the Exact Same Way I Do About Bathing Suits

I used to think I was the only one who felt insecure in a swimsuit, but then I realized that literally every single human being on the planet feels uncomfortable in a bathing suit, too. Though Kendall Jenner always looks flawless in her swimwear, I'm sure she has days where she feels bloated or just gross wearing a bikini. We all deal with these predicaments. So if you're having these feelings, turn to your friends for a pick-me-up. Mine always remind me that they feel this way in a swimsuit, we exchange some compliments and then we're good to go. It's as simple as that.

If you're struggling to find a swimsuit that works best for you, HERE is the bathing suit your zodiac sign thinks you should sport.

 Because Being Reunited With The Beach Feels Great!